What to do to fix Disney plus error code 83? How annoying would it be when you want to watch your favorite Disney movies but suddenly error code 83 occurs?
Disney has gained its fame from a long time ago. Undeniably, they have been a major player in the industry. Almost all people know most of Disney’s movies and also its serials.
As you know, to serve the fans Disney has launched Disney Plus some time ago. With the list of movies they have produced, it has been predicted that it would be a great milestone for the company for a higher leap.
But, what if you encounter the error code 83 in your Disney plus? Have you ever experienced it? It is the most common occur problem in Disney plus. Many users have been craving for Disney plus help error code 83. So, here I will share how to easily fix Disney plus error code 83. Please see below.
How to Fix Disney Plus Error Code 83?
- Contact the Disney Plus Customer service to unblock your IP

You must know that when an IP address is blocked by a certain site, it will not be able to access the respective site. Same in Disney Plus, for some reason there is a possibility that your IP address is blocked.
In this kind of situation, it is advised for you to contact the Disney+ help center or customer service. You need to ask them to remove your IP address from the block list.
- Use Smart TV through Chromecast or Airplay

Another solution I suggest when you face Disney Plus error code 83 is to use the Chromecast device. This solution is more recommended if you experience the error when are using the PC or laptop browser or Smart TV.
- Open the Disney+ in your Smartphone
Based on some users’ experience, they complain that the Disney Plus error code 83 occurs when they are using the PC. Regardless of whatever the operating system they use.
So, if you usually log in to your account through the PC, I suggest you open the Disney Plus account in your Smartphone with an Android or iOS based operating system. Additionally, sometimes when you are using the PC or laptop you also cannot log in to your Disney Plus account.
- Use VPN
Using a VPN is another possible way you can use to fix Disney Plus error code 83. There are some VPN you can use. For example, Express VPN. As you may have known, can help solve some online problems. Therefore, it is also a recommended solution to fix the Disney plus error.
- Use different internet browser

Some of us do not pay attention or care much about the browser we use. And how can using different browsers fix the Disney Plus Error Code 83 issue?
This method seems to be funny, but many users report that changing the browser they use to access the Disney Plus somehow solve the error code 83 they face. So, it is still worth trying to change the browser you use and see whether it works for you.
What Causes Disney Plus Error Code 83?
Like I have mentioned before, error code 83 is the most common problem the users face. But what exactly causes the Disney plus error code 83? Let’s see one by one:
- The platform is not compatible
In Disney Plus, to play the movie video you want, the device you use needs to communicate to the Disney Plus server. It means that your attempt to access it needs to pass the Disney DRM check.
There are two factors that can cause DRM check failure. They are the Disney server related factor and the device you are using. Let’s see what device factor you can check on the below.
Disney+ only supports popular device browsers, such as Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Safari and Firefox. Please keep in mind that you cannot use Linux to access it since it does not support Linux yet.
Additionally, Smart TV or console browser is also still incompatible for now. Hence, as the above-suggested solution, using Chromecast can help you deal with error code 83 you are facing when using the Smart TV or console.
- Server timeout
Server timeout is one of the reasons why you see the Disney+ Error code 83. To be more detailed, when the Disney+ server is flooded by traffic, this causes a delay for the new access to get in.
Some possible factors may cause Disney+ error code 83. It can be caused by Disney server-related or device-related factor.
When it comes to the server-related factor, we cannot do much. But when it is because of the device-related issue, I suggest the most recommended way to fix Disney Plus Error Code 83 as the above.
Hopefully, this can serve you with the Disney plus help on error code 83 and help you to cope with the issue. So that you can enjoy your favorite Disney entertainment. You can also see a list of Disney Plus Error Code and its meaning that may occur on the other article HERE. Anyway, for your entertainment purpose, I have also shared how you can do to activate youtube in your big-screened TV in the previous post you may also interested in.