Tips How To Avoid Malware Attacks On Android Phones

Avoid Malware Attacks on Android Phones

As of now, I am going to share tips on how to avoid malware attacks on Android phones. There always be a chance for malware or malicious software to attack your android phones. I believe that you all are fully aware that when it happens, it will cause trouble for you. Hence, you have to clean your phone as soon as possible to avoid system error.

One common sign of malware attack on your android phone is when there are too many ads pop up on your phone. Quite similar to the sign of malware attack on Mac. In some other cases, the malware may cause the battery drains fast. Therefore, it is important to avoid the malware attacks on your android phones so that you do not face more severe frustration on your android phones.

So, are you experiencing the mentioned signs? If so, it is possible that your android phones have been infected by malware. To get rid of the further error on your android phones, as also summarize from CNET, you will need to follow the below recommendation on how to avoid malware attacks on your android phones.

Tips On Avoiding Malware Attacks on Android Phones

Here are some recommended tips to avoid malware infection on android phones. Please follow one by one carefully.

Do Not Install Apps From Third-Party App Store

I am sure that you are aware that android is a Google-based mobile operating system. Therefore, all official apps should be provided through the Google play store.

Official Google Play Store
Official Google Play Store

Personally, I would never recommend you to get and install any apps from any play store aside from the Google play store. The reason is that when you install any apps from Google play store, the app has gone through google’s checking. Consequently, it is safer to be installed on your android phones.

On the other hand, you never know the reliability of the other third party play store aside from Google’s. Hence, the concern is whether the app has gone through sufficient checking or not. There possibly has been carried along with the malware.

Install Antivirus on Your Android Phone

Please always consider installing trusted antivirus on your android phones. Similar to PC, the antivirus will be very helpful to avoid any threat on your android phone.

There are many antiviruses you can use to avoid malware attacks on your android phones. For instance, Norton, Bitdefender, Lookout, Avira, and many other recommended antivirus for Android phones.

Android Antivirus

Sometimes, installing antivirus on your android phones can slow down your phone’s performance. This is because the antivirus needs much access to your android phone. the access itself is aimed at the antivirus to detect the normal performance of the android phones use.

The antivirus can understand whenever there is strange behavior that possibly malware threat. In this kind of situation, the antivirus can alarm you when there is something odd happens on your android phone, expecting that you can do prevention before further infections.

As there are many antiviruses, please choose the best suits your need and compatible with your android phones. I suggest that you first look for the antivirus with well-known notability.

Check Your Apps Permissions

When you are installing an app on your android phones, the app will ask your permission to access certain points of your device. Am I right? This is what I mean why you need to check the apps permission.

Check Android App Permission
Check Android App Permission

In most cases, people do not really aware of what access they grant to the app. That is why this has become a door for malware injection. Take for example, what is the need for a game app to access messaging and granted the access to send short messages? When you find such app, you have to be suspicious and best not to grant access.

Upgrade Your Operating System

Many expert come up with the recommendation to upgrade the operating system of your phones. It is because whenever a new update of an operating system comes, there has to be an upgrade on the security side of the system as well.

Upgrade Android OS

Let’s say, the malware has dwelled on your android phone with the old operating system. By upgrading the operating system, it can cut the access of the malware on your android phone. Or at least it will prevent the freedom of the malware to spread the threat on your android device.


Malicious software or well-known as malware has also been a thread for android phones. Because of that condition, it is important for you to avoid the malware attacks on your android phones before it is too late.

As now people save many important data on their phones, malware can possibly steal it by accessing your phone beyond your notice. These tips on how to avoid malware attacks on Android phones is expected to be a reference for your android phone’s data safety. I do hope this helps!

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